
Dr. Ehud Kaufman

Dr Ehud Kaufman

Dr. Ehud Kaufman, is a business and finance consultant, operating in Europe and Israel.

Dr. Ehud Kaufman, is a business and finance consultant, operating in Europe and Israel.

A former career banker  Dr Kaufman was until  2004, Chief Credit Officer of Israel Discount Bank (“IDB”) previously he spent  tenure of approximately 20 years with Bank Hapoalim Israel’s largest banking group. In his last position with Bank Hapoalim , he headed the bank’s Project and Structured Finance.

In earlier years of his career Dr. Kaufman has served as the Chairman of the Israel Electric Corporation and later as the Deputy Director General – International Affairs of the Ministry of Finance . In addition, Dr. Kaufman was an Alternate Governor of the European Bank of Reconstruction & Development.

Dr. Kaufman holds a doctorate in statistics from U.C.L.A and was an assistant Professor at the University of Illinois Business School and a visiting Professor at the Tel Aviv University Business School. He was also a fellow at the Salzburg Seminar in Austria.


In we will provide analysis and commentary on the policies and interests which were behind the events leading up to the global financial crisis and its aftermath.

We will also provide reviews and critiques of the media coverage and of the public discourse regarding policy choices facing governments and private sector actors.

The idea to name this website No-Bloomberg.Com, was inspired by Naomi Klein’s No Logo. Klein set out to expose how the dazzling veneer of Globalization and the fetish of brands with the aid of their logo concealed damages and injustices inflicted by multinational corporations on societies around the globe.

I use “Bloombergs” as a generic name for all the media platforms delivering business and economic news which in the case of the global financial crisis helped create the fetish of the financial markets (“Markets”) and their invincibility.

The business and economic news and analyses provided by the Bloombergs were designed to generate excitement and  an ostensible transparency of the “Markets”. However, it was creating a false impression among the consumers of news that the financial system is well managed and that nothing can ever go terribly wrong. In the aftermath of the crisis those media platforms continue to serve the same interests mostly responsible for the crisis.

Talkback x 2

    6 June 2011 @ 6:35 pm

    I am a Greek pharmacist and i read your articles abouy Greek debt. I find very intresting the point thar Greek goverment must buy back the greek bond in the secondary market. I find very helpful your thought that Greece could manage the crisis as the major part of Grrek citizens dont believe it and sent their money in every bank in western world you can immagine.I would like to have your opinion on valuation in stock market (if you believe in that) or you believe that the stock market is all about privelege information. THANK YOU

  2. Vickie
    14 August 2011 @ 1:25 pm

    Dear Dr. Kaufman,

    Below, link to my insights couple of years ago.

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